The design and implementation of the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree Programme  in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) is a response to the need to have appropriately trained Educators in Early Childhood in Kenya in particular and the East African region in general. The proposed Programme will bridge the gap created by scarcity of highly trained manpower in ECDE. At the same time, the Programme will also increase access to university Education in the country. High demand for qualified ECDE personnel has been exacerbated by the ever changing socio-economic conditions in Kenya and the rest of East Africa. An increasing number of parents and guardians are pursuing life supporting activities and therefore spend less time with their children when such children require parental care and guidance. There is, therefore, a definite need to prepare ECDE personnel who can play the roles of Educators and surrogate parents. Indeed, over 50 percent of pre-school teachers in Kenya are untrained Early childhood is the foundation stage for the development of human beings. Learning and developmental activities that take place during this stage, have significant lifelong effect on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of children. This stage, therefore, is important in the development of a healthy and well balanced child, adolescent and adult personality.

At the end of the Programme, the learner is expected to:

  • Teach Early Childhood education in learning institutions
  • Develop teaching and learning resources relevant to early childhood education
  • Develop, implement and evaluate Early Childhood education Programme s;
  • Manage Early Childhood institutions
  • Design and conduct research in Early Childhood

The general University admission requirements of at least KCSE with a mean Grade of C+ shall apply. In addition, applicants must have scored at least a C (plain) in the following subjects: (a) Either English or Kiswahili (b) Any one from: History & Government, Geography, Religious Education or Social Education & Ethics. (c) Any one subject from: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Alternatively, applicants shall be admitted into the Programme  provided they hold either: PTE Certificate and at least a KCSE Certificate with a mean Grade of C plain or KCE Division II or KACE 2 principals and 1 Subsidiary pass or Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education from a recognized examining body or Certificate in ECDE from a recognized examining body recognized by Chuka University Senate and at least a KCSE Certificate with a mean Grade of C plain or KCE Division II or KACE 2 principal and 1 subsidiary pass. or KACE or its equivalent with at least 2 principal passes and 1 subsidiary pass.

The Programme shall take 4 academic years to complete. To qualify for the award of degree of Bachelor of Early Childhood Development Education, a student must have passed a minimum of 157 Credit Factors (CFs). The Programme will take four academic years for all students, except ECDE Diploma holders. Holders of ECDE Diplomas will benefit from credit Transfers of up to 30% of the course units.

Full Time  Ksh – 68,500 per Semester

Online Learining (Odel) – Ksh – 54,500 per Semester

Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University College in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:

Bank Name        Account Name:   Branch       Account Tharaka University


Co-operative      Fees   Collection  

Bank                     Account                 Chuka       0112972400000

Equity Bank        Fees   Collection   Chuka      021 0277753588


KCB Bank           Fees   Collection   Chuka       1240985967


How to Apply?

Reach out admission Office via 0721839583 or 0703684570