This curriculum is geared towards equipping students with substantial understanding of a wide range of sciences in demonstrating technical competence in planning, conducting and reporting on investigations, collect, record and analyse data using appropriate analytical techniques in the field of Geophysics. It applies knowledge and understanding to address issues of mineral, petroleum and geothermal resource prospecting, quantification and processing as well as issues relating to the surrounding communities as far as these resources are concerned.
Upon successful completion of the prescribed course of study, the Bachelor of Science in Applied Geophysics graduates will have acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to be able to:
To be eligible for admission, a candidate must satisfy the following requirements: Satisfy the minimum university entry requirements stipulated in the common university entrance requirement regulations of C+ (plus) and above. Candidates must have passed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE) with minimum grade indicated in each of the following subjects: Alterative A: Chemistry C+, Physics C+ (or B- in Physical Sciences), Mathematics C+, Geography C+; Alterative B: , Physical Sciences B-, Biological Sciences B-, Math B-, Geography B-. Holders of diploma qualifications in Applied Geophysics or Analytical chemistry may also be considered. Any other qualification that the Academic Board may deem equivalent to the above qualifications
The programme will take FOUR academic years.A student is required to register for at least 21 CF’s and at most 30 CF’s in each of the eight semesters of study. In the first and second years of study in computer science, the student studies a mixture of compulsory computer science courses together with selected courses in mathematics and physics. These courses are intended to introduce the student to the theory of computer science as well as to provide the student with a sound grounding in areas of mathematics and physics that are important to the study of computer science. In the first year of study, the student is required to take University common CORE courses. These courses are intended to enlighten the students on how computer science interrelates with other disciplines and equip students with professional socio-political-economic skills. In the third year of study the student is able to tackle more advanced courses in Computer Science. In the fourth year of study the student can select an optional course from a list of available optional courses. There will be a compulsory course offered in year four semester two that would cover emerging topics in computer science. This will enable the student to be up to date with the technological changes in the discipline areas. Credit transfers will be offered for those who had a credit pass in the respective units. Credit transfers may be offered upto 30% of the required course units into the programme. The courses will be offered in full-time and part-time; Lectures, discussions, practicals, print based media, online.
Full Time Ksh – 73,500 per Semester
Online Learining (Odel) – Ksh – 54,500 per Semester
Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University College in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:
Bank Name Account Name: Branch Account Tharaka University
Co-operative Fees Collection
Bank Account Chuka 0112972400000
Equity Bank Fees Collection Chuka 021 0277753588
KCB Bank Fees Collection Chuka 1240985967