The Diploma in Criminology and Security Studies shall prepare students for a wide range of professional roles in the criminal justice system, security as well as the broader social science career field. The programme examines the nature, extent, and causes of crime in various settings, the impact of crime on victims and society, and society‘s response to crime. These include individual and community responses; the investigation of crimes, arrest of offenders, their prosecution, defenses, adjudication by the courts; and an array of sentencing and correctional outcomes. The nature, effectiveness and forms of criminal justicereform efforts are also studied. The Diploma also aims to examine key elements of insecurity in the contemporary world ranging from radical group activities through to long term issues of insecurity created by declining resources and conflicts or a changing environment. The focus is not solely on Kenya and the security threats it faces but includes studies and experiences from outside our borders. Studies delve in evidence based practice from around the globe but with a local focus. The programme has a practicum /internship component. This is an important learning tool that provides opportunities for students to put theory into practice, and acquire knowledge and skills directly related to various activities of their discipline, for personal and professionaldevelopment.

By the end of the programme, the graduates will:

  • Effectively write and report, communicate strategies and knowledge about the role of media in society.
  • Produce programmes for electronic media and writing stories and articles for print media.
  • Appreciate and apply theoretical and conceptual approaches to media and communication studies.
  • Carry out independent research in communication and media studies, and prepare for further studies in the same areas.

Candidates must have obtained a minimum mean grade of C (plain) at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, or its equivalent. In addition, candidates must have obtained a minimum score of C (plain) in English or Kiswahili languages. Candidates who have obtained a minimum mean grade of C (plain), and a minimum score of C- (minus) in English or Kiswahili in KCSE, or its equivalent, may be admitted provided they have bridged in either English or Kiswahili. Admission may be granted to holders of a Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication or related disciplines from institutions recognized by Tharaka University.

The Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication will be covered in two (2) academic years. Students will undertake a field attachment of a minimum of eight (8) weeks after the end of first year. To graduate, the student must successfully complete a minimum of 90 credit factors. Credit factors shall consist of both journalism and mass communication courses, and selected courses from other disciplines.

Full Time  Ksh Tuition Fee only – 35,000 per Semester

Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University  in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:

Bank Name        Account Name:   Branch       Account Tharaka University


Co-operative      Fees   Collection  

Bank                     Account                 Chuka       0112972400000

Equity Bank        Fees   Collection   Chuka      021 0277753588


KCB Bank           Fees   Collection   Chuka       1240985967


How to Apply?

Reach out admission Office via 0721839583 or 0703684570