The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) represents the highest level of formal education for a career in research and discovery scholarship. It prepares scholars for the expression and communication of the knowledge base in the profession. The PhD graduate in chemistry develops the science, stewards the profession, educates the next generation of chemists, defines its uniqueness, and maintains its professional integrity. Traditionally, the Ph.D. degree is the mark of scholarly attainments and connotes a high degree of proficiency in a specialized field in addition to a wide breadth of knowledge of other fields. This programme will assist the student attain the required scientific maturity, mastery of a chosen area of chemistry, and adequate proficiency. A Ph.D. graduate of Tharaka University  will be capable of conceiving a research problem, planning, and carrying out experimental work, properly interpreting the results, and advancing their knowledge through independent study

On completion of this training, the graduate should be able to:

  • Discover, interpret and communicate new knowledge through original research in the field of Chemistry and produce scholarship of publishable quality that satisfies, peer review.
  • Take a proactive and self-reflective role in working and to develop professional relationships with others where appropriate.
  • Independently and proactively formulate ideas and hypotheses, design, develop, implement and execute plans to evaluate them.
  • Critically and creatively evaluate current issues, research and advanced scholarship in the above themes.
  • Exhibit generic and subject specific skills and techniques necessary for effective working in an interdisciplinary research-intensive environment, in liaison with academic and industrial partners, ensuring widening participation through engagement in public events, enterprise and knowledge transfer.
  • Demonstrate a portfolio of transferable professional skills through the use of personal development plans including, for example, communication and presentation skills, ethics, networking and team development, commercial awareness.

The common regulations for all PhD degrees in the university shall apply. The following shall be eligible for registration of PhD degrees in chemistry: A holder of a master degree in chemistry. The students who might not have done some of the units in 800 series offered in Tharaka University College will be required to cover them first.

The PhD in chemistry programme will last for a minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months, and will be offered by course work, examination, and thesis. Areas of specializations: Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, and Analytical chemistry. During the first year of study, the PhD candidates will take 9 chemistry courses, 6 of which are compulsory. The remaining three courses will be chosen from the intended area of specialization. During the second and third year of study, the candidate will carry out an approved research project in one of the areas of specialization, under supervision of academic staff who would be recommended by the Faculty board to the Academic Board. At the end of the research project, the candidate will be required to submit a thesis, which will be examined according to the common University regulations.

Fees – 215,850/= per year

science based.

Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University  in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:

Bank Name        Account Name:   Branch       Account Tharaka University


Co-operative      Fees   Collection  

Bank                     Account                 Chuka       0112972400000

Equity Bank        Fees   Collection   Chuka      021 0277753588


KCB Bank           Fees   Collection   Chuka       1240985967


How to Apply?

Reach out admission Office via 0721839583 or 0703684570