The present trend in History and Political Science studies is towards the apprehension of the human past in all its totality and complexity. A proper understanding of this common past should be a major element contributing to amity among peoples. In the context of the nation, the existence of a shared historical and political consciousness is a key factor in promoting cohesion and patriotism. The building up of a corpus of knowledge necessary for inculcating and perpetuating such a consciousness ultimately hinges upon the results of scholarly research in History and Political Science and relateddisciplines.2.. Philosophy
Understanding of the past prepares learners for a changing world. Knowledge of politics helps them to understand what governments do, shedding light on how some of history‘s pivotal events were motivated by the political leaders of the day. Tharaka university is committed to reconstruction of human past because she believes that acquisition of analytical and research skills enables learners to question some of the prevailing myths, preconceptions and prejudices that surround history as well as learning about campaigns, elections, protest movements, policy issues and political ideas.
The Doctor of Philosophy programme in History and Political Science is intended to:
Applicants must hold a MA in History or Political Science or both of Tharaka University or equivalent qualification from recognised institutions. Specifically, the applicants must have studied History or political science or both at graduate level and obtained a minimum average grade of ―B‖ in the disciplines. In exceptional cases, non-holders of MA in History or political science or both at graduate level will qualify for the doctoral programme provided that such applicants can demonstrate ability to do historical and Political science research as evidenced by their publications and manuscripts.
The Doctor of Philosophy History and Political Science programme shall extend for a period of at least Thirty Six (36) months but not more than forty-eight (48) months for full-time students. Students taking the programme on a part-time basis should complete it in a period not exceeding sixty (60) months. The Doctor of Philosophy History and Political Science will be taken by coursework, examination and thesis. The coursework will consist of ten (10) units. Including a historiography course and two seminar papers in history and political science respectively. A total of thirty (30 CFs) will be covered in course work. Each course will comprise 45 contact hours. Proposal writing and a research thesis shall constitute twenty seven credit factors (15 CFs). The coursework and examinations shall be done and completed in the First Year of study and the thesis written during the second and ThirdYear.
Full Time Ksh-215,000/= per year
Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:
Bank Name Account Name: Branch Account Tharaka University
Co-operative Fees Collection
Bank Account Chuka 0112972400000
Equity Bank Fees Collection Chuka 021 0277753588
KCB Bank Fees Collection Chuka 1240985967