Kenyan tourism business has tremendously grown to an important industry which supports community livelihoods especially in the coast, plateaus and popular urban destinations. This rapid expansion of tourism industry has contributed to the increased demand for destination management skills. Tourism industry relies on other economic sectors while influencing their growth. Evaluating tourism performance therefore requires a sound knowledge of its production, distribution and management in its multifaceted nature. Curriculum for Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism is designed to train consultants who can guide the tourism development progress in Kenya. The current expansion of universities specializing in tourism management studies will require experienced trainers to guide and supervise students in academic research. Recently tourism industry has been faced with dynamic external factors such as political, legal and technology changes. Research inadequacies in these issues bring forth the need to train experts who will monitor these industry dynamics.


At the end of Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism training the student should be able to;

  • Develop essential skills and knowledge to deal with quality, change and employment issues facing tourism in the modern times.
  • Project the changing tourism internal and external environment  from a local and international perspective;
  • Evaluate tourism businesses from an academic, practical and critical perspective; and
  • Integrate theoretical and practical implications of varied tourism management approaches in various environmental settings.

Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism Management (D. Phil. Tourism) shall be admitted if they meet the following qualifications:

Be holders of Masters in Tourism degrees or an equivalent qualification in Masters of Travel Management, Masters in Hotel Management or Hospitality Management from an University recognized by the Chuka University Senate.

Masters in Business Management, Economics, Transport Management, and Geography graduates shall be considered.

Tourism practitioners or trainers with long term experience in tourism industry shall have an added advantage

The programme shall take at least three academic years comprising of two semesters course work and two years research by thesis. The programme shall take 3 years for full-time students and 6 years for partime students. Mode of study shall be on both full time and part-time modes.Teaching shall involve case study evaluations, lectures, group presentations, seminars and outside class practical demonstrations. Off site training shall be conducted in relevant private tourism outlets and public organizations depending on the nature of the course. The media for curriculum delivery shall include printouts, modular books, and e-books. Audio – visual media may be used in delivery in foreign languages.The programme comprises of 30 CFs. This will consist of Lecture and Practical hours. 15 lecture hours will contribute to 1 CF while 30 practical hours shall contribute to 1 CF depending on the course.The lecturer shall plan for the delivery of specific courses allocated and organize for teaching and learning materials. The course description, objectives, outcomes, chapter summaries and references shall be provided through a course outline. Students shall be responsible for reading the prescribed materials on each chapter’s references, complete their assignments given on time, and attend all the lectures and practical sessions.

Full Time  Ksh-208,200/=,


Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University  in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:

Bank Name        Account Name:   Branch       Account Tharaka University


Co-operative      Fees   Collection  

Bank                     Account                 Chuka       0112972400000

Equity Bank        Fees   Collection   Chuka      021 0277753588


KCB Bank           Fees   Collection   Chuka       1240985967


How to Apply?

Reach out admission Office via 0721839583 or 0703684570