Geography enables students to appreciate the complexity of our world and the diversity of its environments, economies and cultures. Postgraduate Students can use this knowledge to find out solutions to unique challenges in the daily endeavors.


On completing this Masters programme, graduates will be expected to:

  • Develop the knowledge, insight, critical thinking skills, values and ethical consciousness essential to becoming responsible practitioners, researchers, and leaders in security and criminal justice.Demonstrate ability to conduct comprehensive, rigorous, analytic, focused study of crime and justice issues with emphasis on the application of theory and research to criminal justice initiatives, policies, and practices.
  • Display a strong foundation in criminology, organizational theory, criminal justice ethics, and broad- based analysis of the criminal justice system with focus on security management, the investigative process, and corrections.
  • Explain how and why offenders are assessed for need and risk, and how this information is used for effective interventions.

Tharaka University admission rules shall apply. Admission shall also be open to holders of a first degree in Arts/Science in a related discipline, with at least second class honours (upper division), or an equivalent qualification from institutions recognized by the Senate. Admission may be granted to holders of second class honours (lower division) with 2 years‘ working experience in a relevant field. Applicants who meet the minimum admission requirements specified above may be required to appear for either an oral or a written interview to determine eligibility.

The Master of Arts in Criminology and Security Studies programme will take two years. It will include coursework, examination and thesis or project. It will consist of a minimum of 30 credit factors of coursework which will be distributed over two semesters. Students will take five core courses during the first semester of the first year. In the second semester of the first year, students will choose and take any five courses from the pool of electives courses. The program will be taken either in the combinations of coursework, examination and thesis or coursework, examination and project. The thesis shall consist of 15 credit factors while the project will carry 6 credit factors. Candidates who choose to write a project report willneedtotake additionalcourseworkofthree coursesaccountingfor9 creditfactors.TheMaster ofArts in Criminology and Security Studies will be delivered on a full-time, part-time and distance learningbases.

Students will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars where they will have the opportunity todiscuss andclarifyideaswithlecturersandfellowstudents.Thedegreeisassessedentirelybycoursework, including essays, short written assessments, research tasks and oral presentations. Students will also complete athesis.

Full Time  Ksh – 120,000 per Semester

Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University College in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:

Bank Name        Account Name:   Branch       Account Tharaka University


Co-operative      Fees   Collection  

Bank                     Account                 Chuka       0112972400000

Equity Bank        Fees   Collection   Chuka      021 0277753588


KCB Bank           Fees   Collection   Chuka       1240985967


How to Apply?

Reach out admission Office via 0721839583 or 0703684570