The recent trends of globalization and liberalization for local and international economies necessitates the need for both public and private sectors to source human resource with appropriate knowledge and skills necessary for efficient and effective planning, development and management in competitive changing economic environments. The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management (MEEM) programme of Tharaka University addresses the need to develop individuals with essential knowledge, skills, techniques and understanding for managerial careers. The programme caters for participants who have undergone prior business training as well as those whose professional background and pursuits are in other disciplines. As such, it is designed to meet the educational and technical needs of various professional fields and study, namely: business, health, law, education, engineering etc.
By the end of the programme, the learner should be able to:
The common University rules and regulations for the Masters degrees specified in theTharaka University statutes shall be applicable. A holder of a lower second class honours degree from a recognised University with at least two (2) years relevant work experience or relevant professional qualifications in Supplies and Purchasing Management, Logistics Management, Stores and Warehousing Management, Accounting, Finance and Engineering courses mayl be considered for admission for the M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management (MEEM) programme:
The programme of study for the MEEM degree consists of course work, examination and a research project. To be awarded a MEEM degree, a candidate must successfully complete fifty-three (53) taught credit factors (CFs) and a research project which will be equivalent to nine (9) CFs. A project once started, must be completed within that semester. Each course will comprise 45 contact hours and shall be examined at the end of the semester by a 3-hour examination. Full time candidate shall take seventeen (17) to eighteen (18) credit factors (CFs) per semester. Part time candidate shall be allowed to take a minimum of 6 CFs and a maximum of eighteen (18) CFs per semester. A Part-time candidate will take a maximum of ten semesters (five academic years). Course units can only be taken after the necessary prerequisites have been successfully completed. The minimum registration period will be two (2) academic years. The mode of delivery shall be Full-time, Part-time, weekend, evening and ODEL.
Full Time Ksh-120,000/= per year science based
Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:
Bank Name Account Name: Branch Account Tharaka University
Co-operative Fees Collection
Bank Account Chuka 0112972400000
Equity Bank Fees Collection Chuka 021 0277753588
KCB Bank Fees Collection Chuka 1240985967