The Physics Department offers a two year M.Sc. degree programme in Physics. Postgraduate degree programmes normally form an integral part of a University to serve the general purpose of developing research capabilities through dedicated and persistent scholarship as well as provision of relevant trained human resource for teaching in higher learning institutions and/or research in academic, public and private institutions.
At the completion of the training in Master of Science in physics Programme, the graduates should be able to:
Admission shall be offered to holders of atleast a Bachelor’s degree in science or education science or any other related discipline with a second class honours(upper Division) or equivalent qualification from institutions recognized by the Academic Board. The Academic Board may also admit to the Master of Science in Physics a holder of second class honours (Lower Division) provided the candidate has two-year work experience in a relevant field.
The programme shall take 2 years for fulltime students and four years for part-time students. It is ofered by coursework, examination and thesis. During the first year of studying there will be only coursework including Laboratory Techniques I & II. The candidates will take the four compulsory core courses (841, 831, 811 and 832) and Laboratory Technique I (821) in the first half of academic year and the core course 806 and laboratory technique II (822) along with three optional courses in a chosen area of specialization in the second half of the academic year. In the second year the candidates will work on a thesis project in their respective field of specialization and at the end of the year, they are expected to present a thesis to be examined in the normal way prescribed in the common regulations governing the Masters’ Degrees of Tharaka University College. The M.Sc. in Physics will be offered in the following areas of specialization: Geophysics, Solid State Physics, Material Science, Electronics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, and Computational Physics. The programme shall be offered on full-time and part-time mode. Full-time mode shall be offered in the evenings of week-days/day-time from Monday to Friday, while Part-time modes shall be offered in April, August & December. The Department shall also incorporate Continuing Education, Distance Learning, Open Learning and E-Learning modes of study.
Full Time Ksh-130,000/=,
per year science- based.
Applications should be on official forms available at Tharaka University in Gatunga; Non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for postgraduate courses degree, and diploma programmes and KES 1,000 for certificate courses to be deposited in the following accounts:
Bank Name Account Name: Branch Account Tharaka University
Co-operative Fees Collection
Bank Account Chuka 0112972400000
Equity Bank Fees Collection Chuka 021 0277753588
KCB Bank Fees Collection Chuka 1240985967